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The Frozen-Water Trade: A True Story - Gavin Weightman
The Frozen-Water Trade: A True Story - Gavin Weightman
Our Price: $19.06

Product Code: 0786886401

On February 13, 1806, the brig Favorite left Boston Harbor bound for the Caribbean island of Martinique, with a cargo that few imagined would survive the monthlong voyage. Packed in hay in the hold were large chunks of ice cut from a frozen Massachusetts lake. This was the first venture of a young Boston entrepreneur, Frederic Tudor, who believed he could make a fortune selling ice to people in the tropics. Ridiculed from the outset by fellow merchants, Tudor endured years of hardship before he was to fulfill his dream. He not only made a fortune, but he also founded a huge industry that employed thousands of men and horses to "harvest" millions of tons of ice each winter. Thanks to his astonishing enterprise, iced drinks, chilled beer, and homemade ice cream became an essential part of our way of life.
Hyperion, 2003. Paperback, 254 pp.

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