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Thoreau in an Age of Crisis: Uses and Abuses of an American Icon - Kristen Case, Rochelle L. Johnson, Henrik Otterberg, eds.
Thoreau in an Age of Crisis: Uses and Abuses of an American Icon - Kristen Case, Rochelle L. Johnson, Henrik Otterberg, eds.
Our Price: $35.00

Product Code: 3770565450

A collection of essays/papers first presented at the international symposium on Thoreau that was held at the University of Gothenburg, in Sweden, in 2017. Contents: Foreword / Sandra Harbert Petrulionis ; Introduction: Uses and Abuses of Thoreau / Kristen Case, Rochelle L. Johnson & Henrik Otterberg ; Grieving with the Kingfisher: Thoreau's Mourning Work in an Age of Political and Environmental Violence / Rochelle L. Johnson ; The Evolutions of Thoreau's Science / Robert Sattelmeyer ; Thoreau's Wild Acoustics: (Re)sounding in the Concord Landscape / Dennis Noson ; Thoreau's Extra-vagant Sublime and the Milder Majesty of Nature / Ronald Wesley Hoag ; Thoreau and the Desynchronization of Time / Mark Luccarelli ; Henry David Thoreau and the Creation of the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Movement / James S. Finley ; Thoreau's Indian Problem: Savagism, Indigeneity, and the Politics of Place / John J. Kucich ; Henry David Thoreau's Lifelong Indian Play / Brent Ranalli ; The Whiteness of Walden: Reading Thoreau with Attention to Black Lives / Rebecca Kneale Gould ; Live Deliberately, Stay Woke: Thoreau's Influence on William Melvin Kelley / Mark Gallagher ; Walden's Utopian Legacies / Michelle C. Neely ; Notes on Thoreau, Carlyle, and Nordic Echoes / Bergur Porgeirsson ; Standing Up to Trump, with Thoreau / Andrew McMurry ; Thoreau's Vulnerable Resistance / Kristen Case ; Afterword: Thoreauing Caution to the Wind / Henrik Otterberg.
Brill / Wilhelm Fink, 2021. Hardcover, 302 pp.

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