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The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 29 (2021)
The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 29 (2021)
List Price: $35.00
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Product Code: TTS112021

The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Contents: Laundry! / Brent Ranalli ; Finding Walden in Emerson's Plato / Mark Gallagher ; Thoreau's Last Wolves in the Natural History Notebooks / Christopher V. Dolle and Raymond F. Dolle ; "Here are the model children!" Revisiting Louisa May Alcott's Representations of Her Parents' Educational Theories / Azelina Flint ; Thoreau, Prometheus, and the Universal Discourse of "Civil Disobedience" / Rupendra Guha-Majumdar ; Thoreau's Walden: Epicureanism or Stoicism? / Toby J. Svoboda ; Sixty Excursions and Thoreau's Journal / James Perrin Warren ; Bird Poems / Charles Weld ; The Rhyzomatic Water Lily (Nymphaea oderata) at Heywood Meadow / Cecelia Musselman.
The Thoreau Society, 2008. Paperback, 158 pp.

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