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Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 28 (2020)
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Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 28 (2020)
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List Price: $35.00
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Product Code: TTS112020

The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "The Strange Evolution of Henry Thoreau's House: An Architectural Journey" / Charles Shurcliff ; "An Inexhaustible (Digital) Landscape: Reading Thoreau's Journal Drawings" / Kathleen Coyne Kelly, Matt Hardy, Greg Palermo ; "Voicing Silence: Thoreau's Spiritual Audition" / Christopher A. Dustin ; "Henry Thoreau: Secret Schizoid" / Joseph Cusumano ; "The Aim of the Laborer: Critical Assessments of Henry David Thoreau's Philosophy of Work" / David B. Raymond ; "Thoreau's Legacy for Climate Change" / Scott Hess ; "The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society: An 'Ever-Evolving Circle'" / Bonnie Carr O'Neill ; "Storytelling in the 21st Century: The Feminist Author Society in the Era of Trump" / Noelle A. Baker ; "The Potential of the Author Society" / Marlow Daly-Galeano ; "Authorizing Scholarship" / Karen L. Kilcup ; "Fostering Education and Challenging Our Lives: The Thoreau Society in Action" / James S. Finley and Sandra Harbert Petrulionis ; "Beyond the Concord and Merrimack Henry Lifts an Arrowhead from the Manse Field Relic Hunting" [poetry] / Catherine Staples.
The Thoreau Society, 2020. Paperback, 230 pp.

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