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The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series, Volumes 19/20 (2011-2012)
The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series, Volumes 19/20 (2011-2012)
List Price: $55.00
Our Price: $10.00
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Product Code: TTS112011

The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Special double issue: Celebrating Thoreau's Legacy on the 150th Anniversary of his Death. Articles: "Henry David Thoreau: Writing the Cosmos" (Address for 2011 The Thoreau Society Annual Gathering) / Laura Dassow Walls ; "Lost in the Maine Woods: Henry Thoreau, Joseph Nicolar, and the Penobscot World" / John J. Kucich ; "Henry C. Wheeler's Native American Artifact Collection at the Thoreau Farm" / Shirley Blancke ; "'An emblem of all progress:' Ecological Succession in Thoreau's A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers" / Richard J. Schneider ; "Thoreau's Wild Ethics" / Edward F. Mooney ; "Henry David Thoreau and American Postwar Art" / Evan Neely ; "Vortex" / Jeffrey Thomson ; "'What is the sea to a fox?' Why Would Thoreau Ask? Imagining the Atlantic in Cape Cod" / Albena Bakratcheva ; "The Reader and the Classics in Thoreau's Walden" / Robert Klevay ; "Embodiment, Spirituality, and the Tactile Perception of Air in Thoreau's Walden" / Margy Thomas Horton ; "'One World at a Time:' Remembering Henry David Thoreau on the 150th Anniversary of His Death" / Lorraine Loviglio, Dianne Weiss and Polly Peterson.
The Thoreau Society, 2012. Paperback, 275 pp.

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