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The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 15 (2007)
The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, New Series Volume 15 (2007)
List Price: $35.00
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Product Code: TTS112007

The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Recently Discovered Revisions Made by Thoreau to the First Edition Text of 'Civil Disobedience'" / James Dawson ; "Thoreau's Manuscript Surveys: Getting Beyond the Surface" / Leslie Perrin Wilson ; "Economic and Environmental Perspectives in the Surveying 'Field-Notes' of Henry David Thoreau" / Patrick Chura ; "The Virtue of Simplicity: Reading Thoreau with Aristotle" / Brian Treanor ; "The Economy of the Inward Life: John Woolman and Henry Thoreau" / William Jolliff; "An Unseen Stream" / Sam Pickering ; "Mapping Thoreau's World: An Artist's Journal on Making an Illustrated Map of Historic Concord" / John Roman.
The Thoreau Society, 2007. Paperback, 186 pp.

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