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The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 5 (Fall 1997)
The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 5 (Fall 1997)
List Price: $35.00
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Product Code: TTS111997

The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "Rethinking Thoreau and the History of American Ecology" / Frank N. Egerton and Laura Dassow Walls ; "In Search of Spring and Fall: Anticipation of Seasons in Thoreau's Journal" / Madeleine Minson ; "Henry Thoreau and the Advent of American Rail" / Henrik Gustafsson ; "Thoreau and Australia: Sauntering Under the Southern Cross" / James Porter ; "Australia's Literary Beachcomber: Confessions of a Different Drummer" / Edmund J. Banfield ; "'The World Is a Divine Dream:' Emerson's Subjective Idealism" / David Lyttle ; "Twelve Ungathered Poems by Franklin B. Sanborn (1831-1917)" / Ronald A. Bosco ; "John Muir and Thoreau's Cape Cod" / J. Parker Huber ; "Home Places: Excerpts from Woodswoman III" / Anne LaBastille ; "Correcting the Newspapers: Thoreau and 'A Plea for Captain John Brown'" / David G. Fuller ; "Uncaptured Monsters: The Ostracizing Allusions of Walden" / Sharlene Roeder.
The Thoreau Society, 1997. Paperback, 191 pp.

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