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The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 1, number 1 (Fall 1993)
The Concord Saunterer, New Series Volume 1, number 1 (Fall 1993)
List Price: $35.00
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Product Code: TTS111993

The annual periodical of The Thoreau Society. Articles: "The Stalk of the Lotus: Concord's Most Famous Friendship" / Robert D. Richardson, Jr. ; "''Captain of a Huckleberry Party': Thoreau and a New England Ritual of Summer" / Wesley T. Mott ; "Convers Francis and the Concordians: Emerson, Alcott and Others" / Guy R. Woodall ; "Forever Wild: A Portrait of Walden Warrior Mary Sherwood / Joel Lang ; "Sarah Alden Ripley, Another Concord Botanist" / Joan Goodwin ; "Ellery Channing: The Turning Point" / Harmon Smith.
The Thoreau Society, 1993. Paperback, 94 pp.

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