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The Legendary Sleepy Hollow Cemetery (map and brochure)
The Legendary Sleepy Hollow Cemetery (map and brochure)
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Our Price: $3.00

Product Code: 274902898572

A handy history, guide, and map to Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord, Massachusetts. Unfolds to 18 panels. Cites 34 notable gravesites to visit and includes genealogical and historical details, with placements on the map to provide directions. Includes the folks on Authors Ridge, of course: the Thoreaus, the Hawthornes, the Alcotts, and the Emersons, along with many others that you may have missed in person. Take it along on your next visit, or visit vicariously, away.
Friends of Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, 2005; revised 2014.

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5 of 5 Legendary Sleepy Hollow Cemetery Map & Brochure June 18, 2021
Reviewer: Lu Landis from Connecticut  
A helpful guide to the legendary cemetery

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