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The Thoreau Quarterly, Summer / Fall 1984, Volume 16, Numbers 3 & 4
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The Thoreau Quarterly, Summer / Fall 1984, Volume 16, Numbers 3 & 4
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Our Price: $10.00

Product Code: 211847328047

The Thoreau Quarterly: A Journal of Literary and Philosophical Studies was a periodical that was published from 1982-1985, as a successor to the Thoreau Journal Quarterly (1969-1981). Contents of this single issue: "Further Down the Stream of Time:" Memory and Perspective in Thoreau's A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers / H. Daniel Peck ; Reading on: Walden's Labors of Succession / Timothy Gould ; The Journal, Self-Culture, and the Genesis of "Walking" / William Rossi ; "The Sparer Climate for Which I Longed:" Pilgrim at Tinker Creek and the Spiritual Imperatives of Fall / Gary McIlroy ; On Learning to Teach: Schools as Institutionalized Underestimation of Human Capacity / John M. Dolan.
The Thoreau Quarterly, 1984. Paperback, 89 pp.

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