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Spiritual Pilgrim: A Memoir - Jim Sherblom [SIGNED]
Spiritual Pilgrim: A Memoir - Jim Sherblom
Our Price: $18.95

Product Code: 1634891400

As a venture capitalist and early investor in biomedicine, Jim Sherblom sought to make a positive impact in the world. At the height of his career, he experienced what could only be called a spiritual awakening, and was drawn away from that success to follow his calling as a newly ordained UU minister. What followed was a multi-religious exploration across the globe, through time and space, and into the transcendental experiences of religious mystics. Here he reflects on his journeys of awakening and the teacings he uncovered from occupying the liminal space of the mystics. He shares these lessons so that others may live deeply and curiously and experience the awakened joy of twenty-first century transcendentalism. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR.
Wise Ink Creative Publishing, 2018. Paperback, 290 pp.

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