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Erosion: Essays of Undoing - Terry Tempest Williams (SIGNED)
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Erosion: Essays of Undoing - Terry Tempest Williams (SIGNED)
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Our Price: $20.00

Product Code: 1250758248

Terry Tempest Williams's fierce, spirited, and magnificent essays are a howl in the desert. She sizes up the continuing assaults on America's public lands and the erosion of our commitment to the open space of democracy. She asks: "How do we find the strength to not look away from all that is breaking our hearts?" These essays are her call to action, blazing a way forward through difficult and dispiriting times. This book was written for this moment, political and spiritual at once, written by one of our greatest naturalists, essayists, and defenders of the environment. She reminds us that beauty is its own form of resistance, and that water can crack stone. Terry Tempest Williams won the Henry David Thoreau Prize for Literary Excellence in Nature Writing in 2023. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR on the title page.
Picador, 2020. Paperback, 334 pp.

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