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"This Is the Life:" The Diary of Jennie McLeod - Leslie Perrin Wilson, ed. (SIGNED)
"This Is the Life:" The Diary of Jennie McLeod - Leslie Perrin Wilson, ed. (SIGNED)
Our Price: $16.99

Product Code: 0998763989

Paints a vivid picture of the life and times of Jennie McLeod, a 20th-century college girl from the mill town of Clinton, Massachusetts. Author Leslie Perrin Wilson presents Jennie and her world through careful research, contextual narrative, and a richly annotated transcription of her 1914-1918 diary. Jennie's distinctive personality, her family, friends, studies, and aspirations, along with the presence of larger events in the background -- world war and woman's suffrage, in particular -- all come to life on these pages. SIGNED BY THE EDITOR.
Moonglade Press, 2020. Paperback, 310 pp.

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