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Still Waters: The Secret World of Lakes - Curt Stager (SIGNED)
Still Waters: The Secret World of Lakes - Curt Stager
Our Price: $26.95

Product Code: 0393292169

More than a century and a half have passed since Walden was first published, and the world is now a very different place. Lakes are changing rapidly, not because we are separate from nature but because we are so much a part of it. While many of our effects on the natural world today are new, from climate change to nuclear fallout, our connections to it are ancient, as core samples from lake beds reveal. Here Curt Stager introduces us to the secret worlds hidden beneath the surfaces of our most remarkable lakes, leading us on a journey from the pristine waters of the Adirondack Mountains to the wilds of Siberia, from Thoreau's cherished pond to the Sea of Galilee. The opening chapter is about Walden Pond. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR.
W. W. Norton, 2018. Hardcover. 241 pp.

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