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Young Sam Gribley is terribly unhappy living in his family's crowded New York City apartment. So, armed with just the bare necessities -- a penknife, a ball of cord, some flint and steel, and the clothes on his back -- he runs away to the Catskill Mountains. Here he must rely on his own ingenuity and the resources of the great outdoors to survive -- and he discovers a side of himself he never knew existed. A timeless classic story that has been inspiring young people since it was first published in 1959.Puffin Books, 1988, 2004. Paperback, 177 pp.
Originally published in 1873. Bronson Alcott -- along with his wife and four daughters, and an odd assortment of friends who knew more about philosophy than they did about farming -- set out to make a utopian dream come true. Would their experiment at Fruitlands last through the hard New England winter? Louisa May Alcott's classic satire on her father's Transcendental commune is for readers of all ages who love Alcott, history, or just a good story told with huor and sensitivity.Applewood Books, 1981. Paperback, 92 pp.
Brings to life the writers of Concord's literary past. The author's story is also told. She is a writer with a psychic sensibility who sets out to record the impressions that she has while living in Concord. What results is a weave of ficton and fact that includes extraordinary moments from her own life, as well as poignant images that she draws from Concord's literary past, like that of Thoreau in his final days struggling to complete his essay, "Walking;" Hawthorne "drifting into the sea of infinity" as he writes; and Martha Hunt's act of "purification" in the waters of the Concord River. It is through this mix of reality and imagination that we see the link that exists between the present and the past, and we are reminded of the presence of spirit in our lives. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR.AuthorHouse, 2008. Paperback, 219 pp.
Subtitled, "The mouse who lived with Henry David Thoreau at Walden Pond." This children's story is written by Bill Montague, illustrated by Maxine Payne, and edited by Christopher Roof. Originally published as a small paperback.The Concord Mousetrap, 1993, 1997. Reprinted and rebound in a larger format, 48 pp.
This classic of twentieth-century literature chronicles the spiritual evolution of a man living in India at the time of the Buddha -- a spiritual journey that has inspired generations of readers. Here is a fresh translation from Sherab Chodzin Kohn, a gifted translator and longtime student of Buddhism and Eastern philosophy. Kohn's flowing, poetic translation conveys the philosophical and spiritual nuances of Hesse's text, paying special attention to the qualities of meditative experience. This edition also includes an introduction exploring Hesse's own spiritual journey as evidenced in his journals and personal letters.Shambala, 2000. Paperback, 119 pp.
Selections from the 1846 book of short stories. Nathaniel and Sophia Hawthorne lived at the Old Manse in Concord, Massachusetts, from 1842-1845, during the first years of their marriage. These 17 stories were written during their Old Manse time. Applewood Books, 2012. Paperback, 385 pp.
A fictional re-telling of the life of Henry David Thoreau. Shows how strikingly similar the concerns of the early nineteenth century are to our own, and reminds us to listen for news of change: the song of spring's first bluebird, reports from those who have heard it, and all the sounds and fearful wonders that come after. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR on the title page.Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2024. Hardcover, 227 pp.
This lavish four-color edition of Louisa May Alcott's classic family novel features more than 220 illustrations, as well as Alcott scholar John Matteson's annotations and expertise in approach. His introductory essays examine Little Women's pivotal place in children's literature and tell the story of Louisa herself -- a tale every bit as captivating as her fiction. W. W. Norton and Company, 2016. Hardcover, 652.
Three of Stowe's books in one handy volume: Uncle Tom's Cabin, The Minister's Wooing, and Oldtown Folks. Includes chronology.Library of America, 1982. Hardcover, 1478 pp.