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Thoreau Society Bulletin 316 Winter 2022
Thoreau Society Bulletin 316 Winter 2022
Our Price: $8.50

Product Code: 294354705846

One of the quarterly newsletters of The Thoreau Society. In this issue: Development and Environment: Two Doors into the Great Global Challenge of our Time / Joseph C. Wheeler ; On a Japanese Preface to Walden / Henrik Otterberg ; Abstracts: Thoreau Society Panel at the 2022 Modern Language Association Convention: Multilingual Thoreau ; Abstracts: Panel at the 112th Annual Convention of the Eastern Communication Association: American Transcendentalism as a Philosophy of Communication. Book review: Thoreau and Me, by Cedric Taling, reviewed by Julien Negre.
The Thoreau Society, 2022, TSB 316, Paperback, 20 pp.

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