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Thoreau Beyond Borders: New International Essays on America's Most Famous Nature Writer - eds. Specq, Walls, Negre
Thoreau Beyond Borders: New International Essays on America's Most Famous Nature Writer - eds. Specq, Walls, Negre
Our Price: $28.95

Product Code: 1625345561

A collection of 14 essays, edited by Francois Specq, Laura Dassow Walls, and Julien Negre. Contents: "An Imperfect Indian Wisdom: Thoreau, Ecocultural Contact, and the Spirit of Place" / John J. Kucich ; "Cape Cod's Transnational Bodies" / Christa Holm Vogelius ; "Beyond the Borders of Time: Thoreau and the 'Ante-Pilgrim History' of the New World" / Michael C. Weisenburg ; "Making the Invisible Visible: Thoreau's Texts and / as Mapping Practices" / Julien Negre ; "Rhetoric of Empire and Poetic Borderlands in Thoreau's 'Walking'" / Francois Specq ; "Opening Walden" / Henrik Otterberg ; "Materialities of Thought: Botanical Geography and the Curation of Resilience in Susan Fenimore Cooper and Henry David Thoreau" / Rochelle L. Johnson ; "'A Crash is Apt to Grate Agreeably on Our Ears': Thoreau and Dissonance" / Danielle Follett ; "Beyond Temporal Borders: The Music of Thoreau's Kalendar" / Kristen Case ; "'Wider Than Our Views of It': Thoreau's Universalism" / Daniel S. Malachuk ; "Cape Cod, Literature, and the Illocality of Thinking about Capital" / Benjamin Pickford ; "Between 'That Fartherest Western Way' and 'the University of the West': Thoreau's Dialectic of Reform" / Sandra Harbert Petrulionis ; "Thoreau: Crossing to the Sacred" / David M. Robinson ; "Counter Frictions: Thoreau and the Integral Commons" / Laura Dassow Walls.
University of Massachusetts Press, 2020. Paperback, 259 pp.

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