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The Wheel of the Year: An Illustrated Guide to Nature's Rhythms - Fiona Cook, Jessica Roux
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The Wheel of the Year: An Illustrated Guide to Nature's Rhythms - Fiona Cook, Jessica Roux
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Our Price: $19.99

Product Code: 1524874803

Offers a way to learn about nature's rhythms -- for noticing and celebrating the seasons as they come and go. The spokes of the Wheel mark important turning points: the Winter and Summer Solstices, the Spring and Fall Equinoxes, and the festivals of seeding, growing, and harvesting that arrive in between. Blends nature connection with art, poetry, and myth, to remind us of the magic and beauty of ancient traditions, inviting us to care for and to celebrate the natural world.
Andrews McNeel Publishing, 2023. Hardcover, 244 pp.

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