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How to Love a Forest: The Bittersweet Work of Tending a Changing World - Ethan Tapper (SIGNED)
How to Love a Forest: The Bittersweet Work of Tending a Changing World - Ethan Tapper (SIGNED)
Our Price: $28.99

Product Code: 9798889830559

Only those who love trees should cut them, writes forester Ethan Tapper. He argues that the actions we must take to protect ecosystems are often counterintuitive, uncomfortable, even heartbreaking. He shows how bittersweet acts -- like loving deer and hunting them, loving trees and felling them -- can be expressions of compassion. Tapper weaves a new land ethic for the modern world, reminding us that what is simple is rarely true, and what is necessary is rarely easy. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR on the title page.
Broadleaf Books, 2024. Hardcover, 229 pp.

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